Show Off

Show-off : Your way (10% off on your first order)


“Show-Off The Real You”. It’s not only okay but healthy, to brag about yourself to yourself because our feelings of self-esteem and self-confidence rest on being able to take pride in our achivements. This thought gave birth to our accessory brand. We want every fashion lover to take pride in their choices – bold or subtle, bright or neutral, plains or patterned ultimately its all about who YOU are. No Judgements!


Chandigarh, India

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+91 7814573165

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Classic Scarves

Full Scarves

Skinny Scarves

Fashion is what we want to wear not what we have to. Life is tough already, so let’s enjoy fashion without judgement.

Our Products

Re-vibe your vibe

Cast off the ‘nazar’ and re-incarnate your better self by reviving your energy with the ‘Re-vibe your vibe’ collection. A unique blend of colors that light up your aura and also protect you from unmindful energies with the ‘evil eye’.


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We want you to Show-Off your style

Get upto 10% off on your first order !!

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Uluwatu Jimbaran ST, 1919 - Bali, Indonesia

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+62 212-345-321

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