Show Off

Show-off : Your way (10% off on your first order)


“Show-Off The Real You”. It’s not only okay but healthy, to brag about yourself to yourself because our feelings of self-esteem and self-confidence rest on being able to take pride in our achivements. This thought gave birth to our accessory brand. We want every fashion lover to take pride in their choices – bold or subtle, bright or neutral, plains or patterned ultimately its all about who YOU are. No Judgements!


Chandigarh, India

call us

+91 7814573165

email us

Returns & Exchanges

If you want to swap your scarf for another design then you may return it at SHOW-OFF, SCO 825-826, Sector 22-A, Chandigarh, India  within 15 Days in its original box packing and the invoice. Please mention your desired exchange piece on the invoice as well. You may also mail us at for the same. We do not entertain refund and cancellation requests.

Articles bought on SALE price will not be exchanged or returned.

We do not entertain refunds and exchanges on international orders.

Please Note- During festivals, Pandemics or adverse weather conditions your shipment could get delayed. We ensure you that we will try our best to have your parcel delivered to you in good time.

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Uluwatu Jimbaran ST, 1919 - Bali, Indonesia

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+62 212-345-321

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